2014 - 2015

  Mathematical Models in Geography                                                                     
Prof. Itzhak BenensonYad Avner - Geography227Wed1200-1400 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Rapid development of GIS and accumulation of high-resolution spatial data initiated a new wave of geographic models that combine complex system theory and modern geography. The course provides basic knowledge of the major aspects of geographic modeling with respect to population dynamics, land uses and transportation. The course software tools are Excel and NetLogo.

Course curriculum:
1. Basic geographic models
2. Systems theory and its importance for geographic modeling
3. Models as systems of equations and models as computer programs
4. Aggregate demographic models
5. Age-structure models of population dynamics
6. Population dynamics in space, the diffusion model
5. Cellular Automata modeling
6. Modeling urban dynamics with Cellular Automata
7. Multi-agent systems
8. Multi-agent systems for modeling urban mobility

1. Benenson, I. and Torrens P. (2004 ) Geosimulation of Urban Phenomena, Wiley, New York.

Quantitative Methods in Geography, Introduction to GIS, Part 1

Exercises: during the semester: 50%
Final exercise: 50%

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