2015 - 2016

  Psalms: Poetics, Ideology, Theology, and Interpretation                                              
Prof. Dalit Rom-ShiloniRosenberg - Jewish Studies204Tue1000-1200 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Dr. Dalit Rom-Shiloni hosts Prof. Adele Berlin
This seminar will host Prof. Adele Berlin (University of Maryland, USA) for its first eight meetings. Prof. Berlin is currently writing a commentary on Psalms, and she will introduce to us “studies from her desk” - the questions, the challenges, the small and the bigger excitements in the study of Psalms and in writing a commentary on them. Prof. Berlin will focus on the art (poetics) and the ideological message in selected Psalms; we will look at metaphors within Psalms, the phenomenon of intertextuality, and different methodological approaches in modern commentaries to the book, in preparation for writing a new and independent commentary. Students will experience writing a commentary themselves.
The second part of the seminar will add perspectives on the theology of selected Psalms, as we will study two main topics that concern the place of Psalms in biblical literature: Between Psalms and prophetic literature (on the “Theology of Zion”) and between Psalms and wisdom literature (concerning the diverse retribution conceptions in Psalms). We will trace diverse voices within Psalms and compare them to theological conceptions within other biblical compositions, trying to learn more of the nature of this anthology of psalmodic literature.

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