2015 - 2016

  The Lexical and Conceptual System of the Hebrew Language                                             
Prof. Tamar SovranRosenberg - Jewish Studies204Wed1000-1200 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
The lexical and conceptual system of the Hebrew language
The seminar aims at qualifying the students to investigate the structure of the lexical and conceptual structure of the Hebrew language form a diachronic (using all kinds of dictionaries) and synchronic (based on new cognitive theories) point of view. It will focus on certain semantic fields such as Truth, Colors Feelings, Space and Time, Norm, Difference, Negativity and more, as well as on metaphorical schemas and structures both universal and unique to Hebrew. The course will draw the line between the stable and the ever changing aspect of the lexicon as reflected in cognitive semantic theories.
Demands: active participation, seminar (or term) paper.

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