2014 - 2015

  Violence and Historical Memory: the Partition of India in 19                                         
Rotem Geva HalperinGilman-humanities281Sun1200-1400 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description

Violence and Historical Memory: The Partition of India in 1947

When India gained independence in 1947 it was partitioned into two independent nation states: India and Pakistan. Partition, which was accompanied by the displacement of millions of people amidst brutal riots, is a formative and controversial event that poses fascinating historical questions: What were the causes that led to partition? Was it inevitable? Why did it trigger such massive violence? And what were its consequences for India’s and Pakistan’s political, social, and cultural structures? These questions will be considered with special attention to the historiographical debates and conflicting interpretations of the event.

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