2015 - 2016

  Research Methodologies                                                                               
Prof. Outi Bat-El FouxWebb - School of Languages103Mon1600-2000 Sem  1
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
Research Methodologies
Outi Bat-El
The course addresses all the issues relevant for the working process during your graduate studies. Here are just a few:
►Writing an academic CV ►Student-advisor relations ►Defining a research topic ►Organizing your thoughts and your writing procedures ►Balancing reading and writing ►Overcoming writer’s block ►Writing abstracts ►Preparing handouts, PP presentations, and posters ►Delivering a talk ►What (not) to include in your talk/paper/thesis ►Whom (not) to acknowledge
The course also functions as a support group, which is of vital importance given the demanding and often frustrating task of writing a thesis.
Prerequisite: You must be a research student (M.A. with thesis or Ph.D.) with a (vague) research topic
Course requirements: Attendance, various written assignments (CV, abstract, etc.), a critical presentation of an article of your choice, a talk about your research (with PPP and/or handouts(.

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