2015 - 2016

Einat ShetreetRosenberg - Jewish Studies205Sun1400-1600 Sem  2
Rosenberg - Jewish Studies205Wed1400-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
Neurolinguistics: Language and the brain
Course description:
The course provides an introduction to neurolinguistics, an interdisciplinary field that involves subjects from linguistics, psychology and cognitive neuroscience. The aim of this course is to provide students with a broad basis for advanced studies in the field. The course will cover a wide range of topics, starting from low-level perceptual processes, and up to sentence-level and discourse representations. Special attention will be given to the unique role of neurolinguistics in our understanding of language and the brain (on top of findings from psycholinguistics methods) and to the kind of linguistic questions that can be investigated using methods from cognitive neuroscience. 
Preliminary syllabus:
* Introduction:
--intro to cognitive neuroscience; intro to neuroanatomy; intro to methods
--brain localization; ERP & MEG components
--lesions and aphasia
* Language representations in the brain:
--auditory /speech perception; phonology
--speech production
--lexicon; morphology
--syntax and sentence processing
--pragmatics and discourse processing
* Misc.:
--the right hemisphere
--interaction with other cognitive systems
--the bilingual brain

accessibility declaration

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