2015 - 2016

  Language Acquisition                                                                                 
Einat ShetreetWebb - School of Languages103Mon1400-1600 Sem  2
Webb - School of Languages103Wed1000-1200 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
Language acquisition

Course description:
This course provides a general introduction to the study of language acquisition. The course will covers topics in experimental methodologies in infants and children, major theoretical approaches to language acquisition, and the development of various levels of language representations. We will focus on typical first language acquisition; however we will also explore issues in second language acquisition, bilingualism, sign languages and developmental language disorders. 

Preliminary Syllabus:
*General intro to language learning:
--methodological issues
--theoretical approaches
--language evolution; emergent sign-languages; creolization
--learnability; parental input; negative evidence
*Development of speech perception; phonology
*Word learning:
--concepts; bootstrapping
--syntactic categories
*Acquisition of syntax
--argument structure
--binding; Wh-questions; null subjects; infinitives
*Semantic/Pragmatic development
--quantifiers; implicatures
--role of prosody
--Bilingualism; second language acquisition
--atypical language development and language disorders

accessibility declaration

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