2016 - 2017

  Composite Materials                                                                                  
Prof. Amotz WeinbergWolfson - Engineering118Mon1700-2000 Sem  1
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description

Lecturer:  Prof. Amotz Weinberg

Credits:  3


1. Introduction- Terminology, properties and usages. – 1 week

2. Reinforcing materials  (e.g., High performance fibers –organics and inorganics, nano 

    fibers and particles,) – 2 weeks


3. Mechanical  interaction in fibers bundles1 week


4. Matrices  (e.g., Polymeric –thermoplastics  and thermosets, ceramics, metals and

    Interfaces of matrices with reinforcements) – 1 week


5. Production methods  (e.g.,  Wet lay-up, Spraying, Autoclave, Pultrusion, Filament

    Winding, Molding methods  and others.) – 2 weeks


6. Sandwich structures, Production methods and mechanical properties – 1 week


7. Quality control methods of raw materials and products, Inc. NDT – 1 week


8. Micromechanics of lamina (e.g., for short and long fibers, isotropic, orthotropic and anisotropic laminas – 2 weeks


9. Macromechanics of laminates. Analysis of the effect of unidirectional stress and

    multidirectional stresses  – 2 weeks

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