2016 - 2017

  Case Studies in Industrial Engineering                                                               
Rafael HodWolfson - Engineering206Sun1700-1900 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Credit Points: 2
Lecture: 2 hours
Prerequisites: Analysis of Produciton Systems (2)
The digital information technology evolution leads organizations into dramatic changes in the way they manage their business. Moreover, reducing the life cycles of products and services creates a dynamic environment where a system approach, how an organization should operates, is essential. This approach will be learned using case studies.
Aim and objectives:
The aim of the course is to expose the student to working environment problems
while enable him or her to implement the state-of-the-art quantitative and qualitative
methods, practices and techniques.
The objectives are formulated as follows:
1. To exposed the student to a working environment experience
2. To implement tools and techniques.
3. To acquire presentation skills
4. To expose the student to literature survey as a supportive tool.
5. To acquire problem solving abilities by using a structured process.
Case studies, analyzed by groups of two students, outline:
  1. Business Environment analysis which conducts a profound survey about the business environment of the case study.
  2. Analysis based on the case study given data and the "business environment analysis group" findings.
  3. Groups' presentationd and reports evaluation.
  4. Students should play managerial roles in order to achieve a final decision.
• Every case study includes a short report and a presentation (10-15 min).
* 60-70% - Final exam.
* 20-30% - Written reports, case study's analysis and presentations
* 10% - Personal contribution.
The students should attend at least 80% of the class meetings.

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