2016 - 2017

  Stochastic Models in Operations Research                                                             
Roy LotanEngineering Studies - Classrooms207Mon1500-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  1.0

Course description

General description

The course will survey a variety of tools and methods used to develop stochastic models with various constraints.

The course objective is to provide tools to develop models that simulate real-life scenarios of problems in operations research that include uncertainty aspects with the focus of topics from the professional world of Industrial Engineers and Management in the modern world.


  1. Reliability Theory
  2. Markov Chains
  3. Birth-Death Processes
  4. Queueing Theory
  5. Dynamic Programming


85% Final exam

15% Home Work submission


H.W. submission:

assignments will be given on a weekly basis. At least 80% of the assignments should be submitted to receive the full 15% for “H.W. submission”. Submission will be done through the course's site on Moodle. The submission will not be graded, though for certain exercises the student may ask for an individual review.

Late submissions of H.W. will not be approved


Continuous feedback for the course:

We will be happy for any idea/reservation regarding the course. For your convenience, a feedback may be submitted anonymously through the course's Moodle site.


accessibility declaration

tel aviv university