2015 - 2016

Nurit ChalozinEngineering Studies - Classrooms1021000-1300 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
Credit Points: 3.5
 Lecture: 3 hours
Exercise: 1 hour
Prerequisites: Introduction to Probability
Goal: The aim of the course is to represent the theoretical and practical background
for planning experiments and statistical analysis. It includes: theoretical statistics,
sampling and sample, parameter and point estimation, confidence interval estimation,
tests of hypothesis, simple linear regression and multiple linear regression.
1. Simple random sampling
2. Properties of sample mean, sample variance and sampling fraction
3. The notion of statistic, point estimators, estimation methods: method of moments,
maximum likelihood method
4. Estimators' properties, unbiased estimators, efficiency and consistency
5. Confidence intervals, confidence interval of the mean and of the proportion
6. Size of sample
7. Distributions t,F,χ 2
8. Tests of hypotheses, type I and type II errors
9. Tests of hypotheses on the mean, when variance known and when variance
10. Tests of hypotheses on the variance
11. Tests of hypotheses on the equality of two means
12. Tests of hypotheses on two proportions
13. χ 2 tests
14. Introduction to ANOVA
15. Introduction to simple linear regression

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