2016 - 2017

  Design of Data Base Systems                                                                          
Dmitri GoldenbergWolfson - Engineering108Wed1000-1200 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Credit Points: 3
Lecture: 2 hours,
Exercise: 2 hours
Prerequisites: Data Structures
General: The course covers design and implementation of database systems.
Databases are one of the main components of today's modern information systems.
The emphasis is on Entity Relation Modeling for relational databases. Extensions to
object oriented are also covered. With the knowledge of design, the students then
learn the implementation principles (relation algebra) and practice (SQL language).
1. Introduction to data management and principles of database systems
2. Definition and structures of databases
3. Operation and performance of databases, OLTP database.
4. Design of data model – entity-relationship model
5. Design of data model – normalization of database
6. Survey of classical models – networks and hierarchies
7. Principles of the table model
8. Table algebra – principles and operators
9. SQL language – structure and data retrieval
10. SQL language – database definition and update
11. Reliability, missing data and optimization
12. Distributed databases, data distribution methods
13. Object oriented databases

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