2016 - 2017

  Methods Engineering                                                                                  
Rafael HodWolfson - Engineering238Sun1000-1300 Sem  2
University credit hours:  5.0

Course description

Credit Points: 4

Lecture: 3 hours

Tutorial: 2 hours

Prerequisites: (1) Introduction to Industrial Engineering; (2) Statistics (concurrent)


The course aims to provide a practical, up-to-date knowledge describing engineering methods to measure, analyze, and design systems and processes, often imanually.
The student learns the basic principles increasing productivity and reducing costs through impruved methods and work simplification.
Moreover, the course emphasizes the importance of ergonomics and work design as part of methods engineering, improving workers health and safety.
The course includes lectures, laboratories and practical project (work-study) in an industrial/service organization.


  1. Introduction to modeling and problem solving in Industrial Engineering
  2. Historical notes and introduction on productivity and work design
  3. data gathering, cleansing, analyzing and presention
  4. Basic charts tools (Pareto, job analysis/worksite guide, flow process charts, workermachine)
  5. Process charts and multi-procedure charts
  6. Methods impruvements principles
  7. Man-Machine including machine interference
  8. Time study: principels, executing and summary, including rating and allowances
  9. Work sampling, including statistical analysis, such as: sample size and significance level
  10. Predetermined time systems (PMTS): standard times, MTM and MOST systems
  11. Mathematical methods: Regression and Learning curves
  12. Incentive plans: Individual thorough organizational : motivation, wage incentives, bonuses, options, etc.
  13. Advanced Methods engineering: Lean management, JIT, TOC, etc.


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