2015 - 2016

  Modeling and Engineering Gene Expression                                                             
Prof. Tamir TullerEngineering Studies - Classrooms205Tue1600-1900 Sem  2
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
Gene expression is the process by which the information encoded in genes is used for the synthesis of proteins. This process occurs in all cells at all times; thus, understating, modeling, and engineering this process have important ramifications to every biomedical discipline including medicine and human health, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, agriculture, and basic life sciences.
The course deals with various research approaches leading to rational engineering of gene expression. Specifically, we will discuss the four major steps necessary for achieving this goal: 1) Statistically inferring transcript motifs related to gene expression regulation; 2) Developing computational biophysical models of the transcripts’ gene expression regulation dynamics; 3) Engineering the expression levels of transcripts based on biophysical models and sequence design algorithms;     4) Experimentally measuring and manipulating aspects of gene expression.

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