2019 - 2020

  Introduction to Aerodynamics                                                                         
Prof. Avraham SeifertWolfson - Engineering118Sun0800-1000 Sem  2
Wolfson - Engineering118Tue0800-1000 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
Credit points: 3.5
Prerequisites: Fluid Mechanics (1)
Review of fundamentals of fluid dynamics, Euler and Bernnoulli equations. Flow around bodies (superposition), Blasius theorem for lift and moment. Vorticity, circulation. Introduction to panel methods and the use of computers in aerodynamics. Kutta conditions. Thin airfoil theory (camber and angle of attack). The effect of thickness. Finite wing horseshoe models. Elliptical distribution of lift, Prandtl’s lifting line theory, slender bodies. Wind tunnel corrections. Principles of flight at large angle of attack.

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