2015 - 2016

  Preliminary Definition of Air Vehicle                                                                
0201700-1800 Sem  2
University credit hours:  1.0

Course description
An air vehicle is a complex system whose performance is dependent on many interacting aspects. In order to design an air vehicle, in depth understanding of these issues and their interactions is required as the design moves from the problem definition where their understanding is qualitative to the detailed design when they are quantitative.
The course is divided into two phases: a) lectures and b) preliminary definition of an air vehicle project by a team of students. The lectures will deal with air vehicle requirements definitions, including performance, mission, reliability, and handling. The mission determines the payloads required and all other air vehicle systems and they and the performance determine the air vehicle geometry. Introduction to systems engineering allows dealing with the air vehicle as a complex system. General arrangement of the air vehicle and its influence on weight, balance and aerodynamics and subsequently on the control, reliability, noise, and cost of the air vehicle is critical. The student projects will be done as a real project under resource constraints.

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