2019 - 2020

  Advanced Laboratory for Microwaves                                                                   
Prof. Eli Jerby Sem  2
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
Credit Points: 1.5
Prerequisites: Introduction to Microwaves
1.         Getting familiar with microwave equipment and methods: Detectors and power measurements, Impedance matching, Slotted line, Network analyzers, S-parameters measurements, Frequency analyzer, Antenna shutting-range.
2.         Microwave phenomena measurements: Standing-wave pattern, Wave propagation in a rectangular waveguide, Wave propagation phenomena in vacuum, dielectric materials and ferrite.
3.         Passive microwave components: Couplers, Stubs, Magic-T, Periodic structures, Filters and resonators, Components occupying ferrite, Microstrip networks, Antennas.
4.         Microwave setups: Solid state amplifiers, Electronic tubes, FM modulation and demodulation, Doppler tracking, Monopulse tracking.

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