2014 - 2015

  Advanced Computer Architecture Laboratory                                                            
Prof. Shlomo WeissEngineering Studies - Classrooms2041300-1600 Sem  2
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
Credit points: 1.5
 Prerequisites: Computer Organization
In this lab we'll design and implement an embedded system, suited for integration into ASIC SoC. We'll learn hierarchical design methodology with emphasis on verification, enhancing the processor core using high level ISA simulator, low level cycle accurate simulator, and the verilog hardware description language. We'll start with a simple RISC processor, and enhance it with superscalar units, pipe-lining, branch prediction, hardware accelerators, SIMD instructions, virtual memory and cache.
In this lab we'll design and implement an embedded processor, suited for integration into ASIC SoC. We'll learn hierarchical
design methodology with emphasis on verification, implementing the processor in high level ISA simulator, low level cycle
accurate simulator, and the verilog hardware description language. We'll start with a simple RISC processor, and enhance it
with superscalar units, pipe-lining, branch prediction, hardware accelerators, SIMD instructions, virtual memory and cache.
Lab #1: Introduction to verilog
Lab #2,#3: High level ISA RISC simple processor simulator
Lab #4: Low level cycle accurate simple processor simulator
Lab #5: Verilog simple processor implementation
Lab #6: Review and complete previous lab assignments
Lab #7: Verilog simple processor verification
Lab #8,#9: Pipelining the processor, branch prediction
Lab #10: Hardware accelerators, SIMD
Lab #11: Review and complete previous lab assignments
Lab #12,#13: Memory hierarchy, virtual memory and cache
Lab #14: Project

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