2019 - 2020

  Communication Circuits                                                                               
Aviad HaranEngineering Studies - Classrooms008Mon1400-1600 Sem  1
Computer and Software Engineering103Mon1600-1800 Sem  1
Ofer Amrani
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description
Credit points: 3.5
Prerequisite: Analog Electronic Circuits; Communication systems; Wave Transmission and Lines.
Introduction and General Considerations
Description of the basic components used to build the communication circuits; principal considerations; principal considerations in planning the transmitter, receiver; the problem of interference and the heterodyne receiver structure,
Basic Concepts in RF communications
Linearity - harmonics and inter-modulation; Effects of non-linearity on the signal being picked up; quantifying the phenomenon-1dB compression point and IP3; cascading of nonlinear stages,
Noise - Noise types and the modeling of a noisy circuit as an equivalent two-port noiseless circuit with external noise sources; definition of Noise Figure of a single stage and the derivation of the noise figure Ferris formula for multiple cascaded stages; noise figure of passive circuits,
Receiver sensitivity and dynamic range,
Characterization of basic elements –Mixers; power combiners/splitters; oscillators; phase noise; cables,
Design and analysis of a full reception chain
Definition and planning of all major parameters of a receiver based on given performance requirements,
Introduction to circuits
Impedance matching circuits – The transformer; RLC circuits; the resonance frequency; bandwidth definition; T and TT matching; mixed networks, Tapped capacitor resonator nad Tapped inductor resonator,
Transistors – high-frequency model; noise model for MOSFET and BJT transistors,
Basic component structure
Mixers -Active and passive mixers
Frequency oscillators – Oscillation condition, no planning, phase noise, linear calculation for different architectures
Amplifier – low noise Amp. LNA; Tuned Amp.

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