2015 - 2016

  Wave Transmission and Distributed Systems                                                            
Harel HaimEngineering Studies - Classrooms1021100-1200 Sem  1
Ram Tuvi
University credit hours:  1.0

Course description
Credit points: 3.5
Prerequisites: Electromagnetic Fields
Transmission lines: Derivation of the Telegraphist’s equations and their coefficients (including loss), Sinusoidal (time harmonic) solutions, Non-sinusoidal waves on lossless lines, Graphical solutions (Smith Chart).Plane Electromagnetic Waves: The wave equation, polarization, plane wave solutions, reflection of obliquely incident plane wave from layer media, Transmission line analog for the plane wave propagation and reflection, Angular spectrum of plane waves.Electromagnetic Waveguides: Modes inelectromagnetic waveguides, TE modes, TM modes, Rectangular metalic waveguides, Transmission line analog for the modes’ propagation and reflection, Resonant cavities, Dielectric waveguides, Optical fibers.

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