2014 - 2015

  Data Structures and Algorithms                                                                       
Prof. Dana Ron-GoldreichEngineering Studies - Classrooms103Mon1300-1500 Sem  1
Engineering Studies - Classrooms103Tue1100-1200 Sem  1
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
Credit points: 3.5
Prerequisites: Programming
Introduction: Binary Search, Order of growth of functions, Analysis of correctness and running times of algorithms.
The Sorting problem: Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, lower bound for sorting in the comparison model, sorting in linear time.
Abstract Data Types and Data Structures: stack and queue, priority queue and heap implementation, binary search trees and 2-3 trees, disjoint sets.
Algorithmic Techniques: divide an conquer paradgim, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming.
Graph algorithms: representations of graphs, searching on graphs (in particular, breadth first search), minimum spanning tree, network flow.

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