2016 - 2017

  Data Structures and Algorithms                                                                       
Prof. Dana Ron-GoldreichEngineering Studies - Classrooms101Tue1100-1300 Sem  2
Engineering Studies - Classrooms103Wed1300-1400 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

0512.2510   Data Structures and Algorithms

Credits: 3.5

Prerequisites: Programming in C (0512.1820) and Digital Logic Systems  (0512.3561)


Introduction: Binary Search, Order of growth of functions, Analysis of correctness and running times of algorithms.

The Sorting problem: Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, lower bound for sorting in the comparison model, sorting in linear time.

Abstract Data Types and Data Structures: stack and queue, priority queue and heap implementation, binary search trees and 2-3 trees, disjoint sets.

Algorithmic Techniques: divide and conquer paradigm, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming.

Graph algorithms: representations of graphs, searching on graphs (in particular, breadth first search), minimum spanning tree, network flow.



Introduction to Algorithms (2nd ed.),  Corman, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein
(or Introduction to Algorithms (1st ed.),  Corman, Leiserson, Rivest                     (


Data Structures and Algorithms,  Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman

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