2017 - 2018

  Control Techniques in Power Electronics and Power Systems                                            
Prof. George WeissEngineering Studies - Classrooms2051700-2000 Sem  2
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description
This course will present several representative instances of the application of control theory to power converters, drives and AC generators. It is intended
for MSc and PhD students at the School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University. The final mark will be 80% for the exam and 20% for
lab work on a brushless DC motor drive.
The subjects discussed are:
1. A brief review of linear systems and feedback. Mathematical notation and terminology. Transfer functions. Stable transfer functions and the H1 norm. LTI systems in state space. The feedback connection of two LTI systems. The small gain theorem.
2. Introduction to H1 control theory. The weighted sensitivity problem. The weighted robust stability problem. The standard H1 problem, reformulation of other problems as standard H1 problems. Loop transformations. The solution of the standard H1 problem via two Riccati equations.
3. Control of DC/DC power converters. Short review of basic topologies (buck, boost, flyback etc). Average models and their linearization. Voltage mode control, current mode control, H1 control, MPPT control. Application in power factor compensators. H bridges and the control
of a pair of H bridges using phase shift.
4. Control of DC/AC (three phase) inverters. Construction and operation of two and three level inverters. The neutral leg and its control. Space vector modulation. The Park transformation, active and reactive power. The decomposition into negative, zero and positive sequence. Current
source inverters and voltage source inverters, and their control using d; q coordinates and nested feedback loops. Space vector modulation. Phase locked loops and their use in the control of inverters.
5. Control of synchronous machines. Construction and modelling. Position and speed control for a “brushless DC motor”. Internal model based rejection of torque disturbances. The synchronous machine as a gridconnected generator. Control of the active power and voltage using the d; q coordinates.

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