2015 - 2016

  Switched Systems                                                                                     
Prof. Michael MargaliotComputer and Software Engineering1011600-1800 Sem  1
1600-1800 Sem  1
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: A course in differential equations; a course in control theory.
Switched systems encompass several subsystems and a switching law that specifies which subsystem is active at any given time instant. An example is the DNA system in a cell. The differences between various cells are due to the fact that only a part of the entire DNA is expressed (i.e., is active). A contrived system, referred to as a gene regulating network, determines which genes should be expressed (i.e., switched form "off" to "on") according to the ever changing internal and external conditions.
Switched systems can demonstrate complex behaviors even when each subsystems is simple. This makes them theoretically interesting as well as very appealing in many applications. The course will consider the design and analysis of switched systems.
Topics: introduction to hybrid systems; switched systems; examples: electric circuits, gene regulating networks, multi-controller schemes, algorithms that switch between different procedures; switching laws; asymptotic stability; linear switched systems and the problem of absolute stability; the worst-case switching law; analysis using the variational approach; analysis using geometric methods; designing switched systems.

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