2018 - 2019

  Applications of Coding in Big Data and Networks                                                      
Itzhak TamoEngineering Studies - Classrooms205Tue1600-1800 Sem  2
University credit hours:  2.0

Course description
Regenerating Codes: Information flow graph, Storage Bandwidth Tradeoff, Minimum Storage Regenerating (MSR), and Minimum Bandwidth Regenerating (MBR) point, functional and exact repair, optimal codes for functional repair, interference alignment in distributed storage. Optimal access code: Basics of group theory and group actions, The Zig-Zag Code and its extensions. Optimal bandwidth codes: Bounds, and code constructions. Locally Recoverable Codes (LRC) : Definition, bounds, Microsoft’s implementation, random LRCs, Reed-solomon codes (recap), optimal LRCs, good polynomials, Chinese Remainder Theorem, and generalized LRCs. LRCs with multiple recovering sets: rate and minimal distance bounds, random and explicit code constructions. Maximally Recoverable Codes: Definition, connections to LRCs, two code construction based on linearised polynomials and Reed-Solomon Codes. Locally decodable codes and locally correctable codes: Bounds and constructions.

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