2014 - 2015

  Workshop in Computer Science                                                                         
Daniel DeutchShenkar - Physics2221500-1800 Sem  1
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description

Workshop on Computer Networks: Peer-to-Peer Internet Systems and their Selfish Use

 time: Semester B, 2009/10

 Instructor: Prof. Hanoch Levy, School of Computer Science, Tel-Aviv Univeristy


 Peer to Peer networks (Bittorrent like), which originally were developed as an “innocent” mechanism for song sharing, have gone through tremendous success and became a major factor in the internet. In fact, P2P systems are believed to account for the majority (!)  of traffic in the Internet today.


     A P2P network is based on a simple principle: Clients which are interested in a resource (say a file) share their CPU/bandwidth resources and assist each other in downloading the file. That is – the success of the system depends on having each of its clients contributes its resources.

 This workshop aims at understanding whether opportunistic P2P clients can make a gain by being selfish. Our challenge is to construct a client that will download the file it wants as quickly as possible by contributing its resources  (Bandwidth, CPU, pieces of the file it owns) as little as possible. Students will work in teams, each of which aiming at understanding the rules-of-the-game and utilizing them to design their client to best achieve these objectives.
The positive aspect of such a client is that it can help users in low-quality-internet regions of the world to benefit from P2P. The negative aspect is that it violates fairness, and may lead to deterioration (or full collapse) of the P2P system. 
Prerequisites: Operating Systems is required. Communications networks 0368-3030-01, or equivalent background is highly preferred/recommended.  Interested students with other background – may consult the instructor.




















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