2014 - 2015

  Advanced Topics in Programing                                                                        
Amir Kirsh0090800-1200 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description


Contact me at:   yhalahmi@post.tau.ac.il
The main goal of the course is to provide deep understanding of OO approach
  • C++ internals
  • C++ features and the look from the compiler point of view
  • We’ll discuss the cost of C++ features and the ways to decrease resources needed for application ( memory, time ).
General description
The course divided into following parts:
1)      The pass through all features of C++ but on higher level ( example: no explanation what is the meaning of Constructor and Destructor, but the cost of these functions and ways to decrease number of there invocations will be discussed ).
2)      Object Oriented Design
3)      Design Patterns
4)      Standard Template Library, C++ Streams,
5)      Pitfalls and Tips
·         Exercises will be given once in two weeks.
·         Students have to do assignments in pairs
·         The final grade is based on exam (65%) and assignments (35%).

accessibility declaration

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