Chemical kinetics: The rate of a chemical reaction, rate laws and rate constants (empirical and integrated), half-life, reactions near equilibrium, radioactivity
The kinetic theory: Kinetic-molecular theory of gases, distribution of molecular speeds and energies, the collision theory, mean-free-path, effusion and diffusion
Mechanisms of reaction: Elementary reactions, orders of reaction, reaction mechanism, competing and consecutive reactions, the steady state approximation, uni-molecular reactions and the Lindemann-Hinshelwood mechanism, chain reactions and polymerizations
The rate constants: Transition state theory, the effect of temperature on reaction rates, activation energy, Aherenius equation, the RRK model for uni-molecular reactions, molecule as collection of harmonic oscillators
Catalysis: Homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, enzymatic reactions and the Menten-Michaelis mechanism, catalysts and inhibitors, auto-catalytic and oscillatory reactions