2018 - 2019

  Basic in Hydrogeology & tracer Hydrology                                                             
Prof. Dror AvisarYad Avner - Geography013Mon0800-1200 Sem  2
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

An integrated course that begins with the purchase of basic knowledge of basic concepts in hydrography, water cycle in nature, field methods for monitoring and utilization of groundwater, porosity and conductivity of rocks, recognition of the characteristics and types of aquifers, nature and speed of groundwater flow in the rocky medium, The interaction between different streams and water, the interaction between different rocks and water, creating different water types, sources of pollution and their effect on water quality, water consumption versus shortage - defining the problem and solutions, developing groundwater resources while managing sustainable groundwater in Israel. Later in the course, chemical and isotopic tools will be used to learn to identify pollution and salinity processes of groundwater

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