2018 - 2019

  Extra-Solar Planets                                                                                  
Prof. Shay ZuckerKaplun - Physics1181100-1400 Sem  1
University credit hours:  3.0

Course description

The field of exoplanets is a very young and evolving field that emerged two decades ago. In the course we will review the history of this field and the knowledge that accumulated so far. We will study the various topics by reviewing the papers in which they were published, and by studying the required background necessary to understand those papers.

Exoplanet detection techniques: Doppler measurements, transits, astrometry, gravitational lenses.

Measuring exoplanet propoerties: Mass measurements and the ambiguity in Doppler measurements, mass measurements through astrometry, radius measurements using transits.

Statistics of the exoplanet population: Mass-period relation, mass-radius relation, statistical signifcance of those relations.


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