Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (Core graduate Course)

Detailed program
Week 1: Thermodynamics: Basics, Postulates 0-2, temperature, Entropy. Ideal gas, Tonks gas.
- Variables (intensive, extensive), functions, concepts.
- Reversible & irreversible processes. Postulate 0.
- Postulate 1. Postulate 2. Carnot cycle, efficiency,
- Thermodynamic temperature. Kelvin scale.
- Ideal gas.Entropy. Tonks gas.
Week 2: Van der Waals. Thermodynamic potentials. Minimax principles.
- Water phase diagram. Transitions and critical point.
- Van Der Waals (VDW) gas + law of corresponding states.
- Legendre transforms. Thermodynamics potentials (energy U, enthalpy H, Helmholtz free energy F, Gibbs free energy G, grand potential J), Maxwell relations.
- Max S, min U, minima of F and G
- Stability conditions, Global minimum.
- La Chatelier principle, local minimum.
Week 3: Phase diagrams. Maxwell cosntruction. Gibbs rule. Lattice models.
- VDW gas view via Helmholtz free energy. Maxwell construction.
- VDW gas view via Gibbs free energy. Maxwell construction.
- Latent heat.
- Solid-solid melt diagram (liquidus, solidus, eutectic).
- Liquid mixtures. Definition of: Lattice binary melt vs.
- Lattice gas vs. Ising
- Gibbs phase rule.
- Black body radiation, from classical EM.
- 3rd postulate
Week 4: Postulate 3. Liouville theorem. Shannon entropy.
- 3rd postulate (coninued) C_V->0 for T=0. Meaning of "only one ground state" (examples, FD, BE, Debye phonons)
- 1D harmonic oscillator, and Bohr-Somerfeld quantization:
- demonstration that \Gamma=\int dp dq/h.
- Analytical mechanics, Lagrangian & eqns of motion,
- Canonical variables,Hamiltonian & eqns of motion.
- Poisson brackets, Poincare theorem. All this - just quotations; no proof.
- Phase space; flow in phase space is incompressible.
- Liouville's theorem (just quotation) and Liouville's equation, in form of Poisson brackets, and in form of "mass conservation" law.
- Introduction to Shannon entropy.
Week 5: Entropy maximization in classical stat. mech. ensembles
- Extremum of entropy. Microcanonical. Gibbs paradox.
- Canonical ensemble. Example: Ideal gas, de Broglie wavelenth
- Tonks gas. Ideal polymer (continuum). Ideal lattice polymer.
- p-T ensemble (only definition).
- Grand partition function (only definition). Example: ideal polymer
Week 6: Equipartition and virial theorems. Applications
- Ideal polymer in grand-canonical ensemble compared to canonical ensemble.
- Time dependence of entropy. Coarse-grained entropy.
- Equipartition and virial theorems. Application to quadratic forms.
- Dulong-Petit law.
- From virial theorem to equation of state using the pair correlation function
Week 7: Quantum stat. mech. Density matrix. Entropy. Lattice models
- Concepts in quantum mechanics: bra-ket, orthonormal set, operator.
- Projection operator for a pure state. Quantum average using projection operator. Mixed state. Density operator/matrix.
- Von Neuman-Liouville equation.
- Entropy and density matrix for microcanonical and canonical ensembles.
- Density matrix of single particle in a box.
- Electron spin - quantum treatment, density matrix, partition function, magnetization
- Lattice models: Ising (ferro and anti-ferro), Heisenberg (quantum and classical), XY model.
- Solution of 1D Ising w/free boundaries
Week 8: 1D, 2D, Bethe lattice phase transitions. Mean field.
- Spontaneous symmetry breaking
- Why there is no phase transition if 1D? (free energy argument)
- Transfer matrix for 1D Ising.
- Why 1D argument of no-transition fails in 2D?
- Critical point of 2D Ising: dual lattice, high/low temperature expansions.
- Mean-field (Weiss/Bragg-Williams).
- Brief mention of Bethe-Peiels approximation.
- Description of results of Onsager.
- Recitations: Correlation in Ising w/periodic boundaries
- Potts model
Week 9: Quantum ideal gas. High-T for bosons and fermions.
- Quantum ideal gas, quantum corrections at high-T
- (effective repulsion/attraction) in fermions/bosons
Week 10: Virial exapansion. Application to van der Vaals.
- Virial expansion
- Van der Waals gas from virial expansion
Week 11: Debey-Huckel. Approximate methods. Monte Carlo.
- Debye-Huckel theory
- Approximate methods: Gibbs inequality, Peierls inequality.
- Monte Carlo method
Week 12: Second order phase transitions: Landau theory. Critical exponents.
- Phase transition types, historical remarks,liquid-magnetic analogy
- Landau function, critical exponents \alpha, \beta.
- Exponents \gamma, \delta. Divergence of fluctuations.
- Continuous Landau functional, treatment of fluctuations, Correlation function, exponents \nu and \eta.
- Widom and Rushbrooke relations.
Week 13: Kadanoff scaling. Real space renormalization. Fixed points (IF TIME PERMITS)
- Landau function: (1) failure due to large fluctuations; (2) 1st order transition
- Kadanoff scaling function of free energy.
- Pameter space; example 2D Ising.
- Real space renormalizxation. Fixed points (stable, unstable, mixed)
- Identifying 1/y_1=\nu, \alpha=2-d\nu. Concept of k-space RG, and epsilon-expansion.