2019 - 2020

0321-2131   Methods of Theoretical Physics 2                                                                     
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Course description

Methods of Theoretical Physics 2


Rennan Barkana

Email: barkana@tau.ac.il

Academic Year, Semesters

2nd semester

Number of Hours/ Credits

3h lec. + 1h ex.




Methods of Theoretical Physics 1

Year in program & how often given, if relevant

2nd year (physics)/
3rd year (physics+EE)


Course overview – short abstract

Special functions; asymptotic analysis; variational calculus and Nother's theorem; introduction to group theory

Assessment: coursework and grade structure

Assignments – 10%
Final exams – 90%

Week-by-week content (approximate)

Week 1: Gamma function

Week 2: Beta function.

Week 3: Bessel function of the first kind.

Week 4: Neumann function.

Week 5: Hankel functions, Modified Bessel functions.

Week 6: Asymptotic forms of Bessel functions.

Week 7: Spherical Bessel functions.  

Week 8: Asymptotic approximations to integrals, Asymptotic series.

Week 9: Method of steepest descent.

Week 10: WKB: method and applications.

Week 11: Calculus of variations

Week 12: Adding constraints, Nother's theorem.

Week 13: Introduction to group theory, Lie groups and group representations.

Required texts

Mathematical Methods for Physicists, G. B. Arfken and H. J. Weber


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