2018 - 2019

  Physics Laboratory B1                                                                                
Prof. Roy Beck- BarkaiShenkar - Physics5010800-1200 Sem  1
University credit hours:  4.0

Course description

Physics laboratory B -  Syllabus


Roy Beck

Email: Roy@tauex.tau.ac.il

Academic Year, Semesters: 2017-18 A+B

Number of Hours/ Credits : 4




First year laboratory in Physics, Classical physics 1 + 2, Introduction to modern physics, Waves and Optics (in parallel)

Year in program & how often given, if relevant

Given every year

 Course overview – short abstract

Second year laboratory course in Physics. In each semester every pair of students will conduct three 2-week sets of experiments in various fields in physics. In the final week, each student will reproduce a short version of one of these experiments, working from his/her lab notebook. 

Learning outcomes – short description (if you don’t have LOs, then don’t write anything in this part)

The students will learn how to design and conduct an experiment, how to obtain a desired accuracy in measurement, and how to keep a laboratory notebook. In addition, they will learn how to reduce and analyze their data and how to report the results orally.

Assessment: coursework and grade structure

Three pairs of two weeks experiments – 70%

             Per experiment:

    10% - readiness for background material

    10% - participation in contribution in the experiment

    10% - practical use of experimental techniques

     10% - independence and originality

     10% - answering to questions during the experiments

     30% - laboratory notebook

     10% - quality and content of oral presentation

     10% - answering to question during oral presentation

Last week: reproducing randomly chosen experiment – 30%

Week-by-week content, assignments and reading

List of experiments:

Astrophysics, Dark matter, Rutherford scattering, Spectrometry   grating and prism, Speed of sound, Supersonic waves, Zeeman effect, Light polarization, Faraday effect and optical activity, Photoelectric effect, Frank-Hertz effect, Laser and its applications, Two-slits interference, Ferromagnetism, Curie temperature, Superconductivity, Spatial Light Modulator and Fourier transformation, Thermoluminescence, Black-body radiation, Characterizing Star Clusters

 Required text – in language of origin (if Hebrew or Arabic, no need to translate it)


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