חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תשע"ט

  פניני מחקר בתאוריה של מדעי המחשב
  Research pearls in theoretical computer science 2                                                    
מדעים מדויקים
קבוצה 01
סמ'  א'1000-1300204שנקר - פיזיקהשיעור פרופ ספרא שמואל
ש"ס:  3.0

סילבוס מקוצר

The course in intended as a general introductory to Theory of CS

for students who consider research in the field


The course takes the following format

On the usual aspect,  it will cover many of the subjects covered

in these lecture notes



In addition, the course would serve as preparation for the Theory Seminar

held immediately afterwards, so as to make it more accessible to students


_(he topics we will cover include (among others

Analysis of Boolean functions and their applications

- PCP and Hardness of approximation 

- The unique-games conjecture

- Applications to Cryptography

Course description

The course in intended as a general introductory to Theory of CS

for students who consider research in the field


The course takes the following format

On the usual aspect,  it will cover many of the subjects covered

in these lecture notes



In addition, the course would serve as preparation for the Theory Seminar

held immediately afterwards, so as to make it more accessible to students


_(he topics we will cover include (among others

Analysis of Boolean functions and their applications

- PCP and Hardness of approximation 

- The unique-games conjecture

- Applications to Cryptography


להצהרת הנגישות

אוניברסיטת ת