חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תשע"ט

  נושאים מתקדמים באוטומטים, לוגיקה ומשחקים
  Automata Logic and Games                                                                             
מדעים מדויקים
קבוצה 01
סמ'  א'1600-1900105שנקר - פיזיקהשיעור פרופ רבינוביץ אלכסנדר
ש"ס:  3.0

סילבוס מקוצר


Course name:


Games, Logic and Automata




Course Syllabus








Lecturer:  Alex  Rabinovich




Credit:  3pt




Prerequisites: Logic for  CS, Computational Models.




Course Objectives:


In this course  we will study topics related to games, logic and automata and a rich interplay between them. These provide  the  mathematical foundations to  formal verification.




Automata on infinite words and trees serve as a computational model for reactive systems; Logics are  the basis of  specification formalisms and


games are a conceptual framework for understanding the interaction between


a system and its environment.








Course Syllabus:


Infinite  behavior of finite automata: closure properties, succinctness,


deteminization  algorithms.




Specification formalisms and their expressive power and succinctness properties: : Monadic second order logic, temporal  logics, algebraic formalisms.  




Decidability of monadic second-order logics over the naturals and over  the full binary tree. Reduction to finite automata, EF games, Shelah's compositional method.




Church Synthesis problem:   Infinite two-persons perfect information games.  Determinacy, computational and descriptive complexity of winning strategies.






Model Checking  Problem.  Algorithms for model-checking and their complexity.














Recommended reading:


D. Perrin and J. E. Pin. Infinite Words Automata, Semigroups, Logic and


Games. Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol 141 Elsevier, 2004.




W. Thomas Automata and Reactive systems. (draft of a book).






Grade:  80% home exam + 20% HW


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