חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תשע"ו

  סיפורת של גבריות
  Fictions of Masculinity                                                                              
מדעי הרוח | אנגלית
סמ'  ב'1600-2000501ווב - שפותסמינר פרופ שמיר מלאת
ש"ס:  4.0

Course description
Fictions of Masculinity                                                                                                           Prof. Milette Shamir
BA Seminar                                                                                                                      mshamir@post.tau.ac.il
This seminar will explore the growing field of masculinity studies in the context of American culture and
history. The first part of the semester will be devoted to a critical examination of some theories about
masculinity originating from men's studies, feminist theory, psychoanalytical thought, and cultural studies.
Topics will include: the masculinity/femininity binary, relations between men, the father-son plot, masculinity
in relation to emotion and violence, and the male body. In the subsequent parts, we will trace the development
of fictions of masculinity in the US, from the Early Republic to the present.
Requirements: Short written assignments, presentations, final paper.

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