חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תשע"ח

  Business Law: Transnational Perspectives
  Business Law: Transnational Perspectives                                                             
סמ'  ב'0815-0955202טרובוביץ - משפטיםסמינר מר באום עידו
הקורס מועבר באנגלית
ש"ס:  3.0

Course description

Seminar Business Law: Transnational Perspectives

Dr. Ido Baum

Credits: 3

Diversification is the first rule of good investment. It therefore follows that capital often seeks transnational investment opportunities. In this seminar we will discuss the implications of globalization on corporate law, corporate governance, securities regulation, competition (AKA antitrust) law and business formation. We will do so by considering how different norms influence cross-border business activity.

Students are expected to actively participate in the discussions and contribute insights from their own legal systems. While significant parts of the class discussions will inevitably focus on corporate law and tangent areas of law, students may write their seminar dissertation on a wider variety of business law topics.

Prerequisites: the seminar is available to students enrolled to the business law track. Other students with relevant academic or professional background may apply after consulting with the Dr. Baum.

Grade Components:  80% dissertation, 20% Class Participation and presentation


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