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  àñèøèâéåú ùì úéòåã áîàä ä- 21
  Strategies of Documentation in the 21st Century                                                      
àîðåéåú | çåâ ì÷åìðåò åèìååéæéä
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ñéìáåñ î÷åöø

ñ é î ðø ì å úàø øàù å(ï òí î â ñøú ä÷ø ðä )4 , ùñ" , úô " ù
ã" àøåäã ì ðãñî ï
àèñøè âéåú ù ì ú éò åã áîàä -ä 21
Strategies of Documentation in the 21st Century
ñ é îðø æä é úãî ÷áà åô ðéí ä å ùðéí á ä íôø ÷ é è÷ åú çãù ðéåú ù ì äô÷ä , äôöä åä÷ø ðä ú åøî åú ì ð øñ ðñ
à åúàååð ç ååéí ìàçø åðä á ÷ìå ðåò ä úòé åã é äò åì îéåì ùë ìå àìîö ò éäîáò ù ì.å îçã ,ð áã å÷ ë éöã
îôàùøú äèë ðåì åâéä äã éâéèì éú îô âù îø ú ÷á éï äáã éåðé ìò åáãú é åú åø î úáà åô ï îùîò åú é ìäúçãù åú ï
ù ìàñèøè âéåú ã å÷ åî ðèø éåú ÷ ééî åú , ëî å ÷ åì ðåò äã å÷- å ô÷éù ï, äúäá åððåú äú éò åã éú , ä å ÷ì ðåò
ä é úò åã é ä é àù é å ä ð àéîö éä ä é úò åã éú . î ðâã , ðúî÷ã áúö åø åú ú éò åã çãù åú äúîàôùø åú , á éï ä éúø , òì
é ãé éìëåú è ëðåì åâéåú ìä ï ÷ä åì ðåò äãå ÷ åî ðè øé ø÷ çäì ìäú å åãò ìàç øðåä . ëöéã , ìîù ì , î âì ä ÷äåì ðåò
ä é úò åã é ò ðééï î å çãù áà éðèøà÷è éá éåú á éï ö åôä ì÷èñè áòæøú äà éðèø ðè ? áä âãøä îç åãùú ù ì
äøîçá ä å ÷ì ðåò é åî÷ åî å ù ì äôñ÷è÷ì áú éò åã úìú î éîã é åáîö éà åú îã å î ? ä ú åê ÷ø é à äéñ åã éú
åöî åãä áè÷ñè éí ÷àãî ééí äò åñ÷ éí áäúçãù åú å ù ì ä÷ åì ðåò äú éò åã é åöô éä áî âååï øñè éí é úò åã ééí
òëùåé éí, ñî éðø æä éðñä ìäö éò ãøë éí ùðååú ìäúá åð úð åáòù éé ä ÷ åì ðå ò éú àùø îîù éëä ìäîö éà
òîöä îçãù ù åá åù åá .
This seminar will focus on the different ways in which innovative practices of production,
distribution and exhibition contribute to the recent renaissance we are experiencing in global
documentary cinema, and to the ongoing perfection of its means of expression. On the one
hand, we will look at how digital technology enables a fascinating encounter between the
fictional and the factual, and significantly contributes to the renewal of existing documentary
strategies, such as docu-fiction, documentary observation, personal documentary and
documentary animation. On the other hand, we will focus on new documentary configurations
made possible, among other things, by technological capabilities that documentary cinema has
only recently become aware of. How, for example, does documentary cinema renew its
interest in viewer-text interaction via the Internet? How has it been involved in the redefinition
of cinematic space and the place of spectacle in three-dimensional documentation and virtual
reality? By thoroughly reading and engaging with academic texts dealing with the revival of
documentary cinema and by watching a variety of contemporary documentaries, this seminar
will try to offer different ways of looking at a cinematic practice that continues to reinvent
itself time and again.
ã é øù åú ä÷ åøñ :
1 . ÷ø éàä ù åèôú ùì ç åîø é äñî éðø åäùúúô åú ôò éìä áã éåï îã é ùá åò .
2 . ä âùú ã åØç åú á é÷ åøú ééí òì ùú é ÷ø éà åú îú åê ç åîø é äñî éðø åäö âúí áô ðé äë éúä .
3 . ä âùú äöòä ë å úáä ìòá åãä ñî éðø éåðéú å ä â öúä áô ðé äë éú ä .
4 .ë ú éáú òá åãä ñî éðø éåðéú .
5 .ð åëç åú .
îëø éá é äé öåï äñ å ô é
ä â öú ã å"ç åú á é÷ å ø é úéí òì ù ðé îà î é øí å ä â öúí áô ðé äë éúä% 15
ë é ú áú äòöä ìòá åãä ñî éðø éåðéú å ä â öúä áô ðé äë éú ä 20%
ë é ú áú òá åãä ñî éðø éåðéú% 65
îâ ôù 1 :î ä çùã ìîòùä á÷ åì ðåò äã å÷ åî ðèø é ä çùã ? îä å ÷ åì ðåò ã å÷ åî ðèø é ã éâéè ì é ?
ö é ôéä:
The Imposter (Bart Layton, 2012, USA, 99m)
àïé ÷ø éàä ðãøùú .
÷ é øàú øù å:ú
Arthur, Paul. “Extreme Makeover: The Changing Face of Documentary.” Cineaste 30:3
(Summer 2005): 18-23.
îâ ôù 2 :ä àí à ðå áàîú áöø åú? ÷ åì ðåò ã å÷ åî ðèø é åäîùáø äîã åîä ùì äî ðéô åìö éä äã éâéè ì éú
ö é ôéä:
201 ) ä[ôø÷ òì îùä ÷ø åé ] äîåì÷ì éí ( â çé ì åé, éùøàì ,4
Fraud (Dean Fleischer-Camp, 2016, USA, 52m)
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Williams, Linda. “Mirrors Without Memories: Truth, History and The Thin Blue Line” Film
Quarterly. Vol. 46, No. 3, Spring 1993: 12.
ìãðñî ï, à åäã . "ôñèä òã ééï ìà âãìä òì òö éí : òì äîùáø äîã åîä ù ì ä÷ åì åðò ä é úò åã é áò éã ï
. ( 201 1 (öãîáø 7 ä é ãâéèì é." ú÷ø éá5
÷ é øàú øù å:ú
Hoffmann, Kay. “‘I See, if I Believe it’ - Documentary and the Digital.” Cinema Futures:
Cain, Abel or Cable? eds. Thomas Elsaesser and Kay Hoffmann. Amsterdam University Press,
1998. 159-166.
îâ ôù 3 :÷ åì ðåò ääúá åððåú äçãù åàú ðåâøô éä ç åù éú áò éã ï äã éâéè ì é
ö é ôéä:
Leviathan (Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Verena Paravel, USA, 2012, 98m)
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Taylor, Lucien. “Iconophobia: How Anthropology Lost it at the Movies.” Transition 69
(1996): 64-88.
Landesman, Ohad. “Here, There and Everywhere: Leviathan and the Digital Future of
Observational Ethnography.” Visual Anthropology Review 31.1, 2015: 12-19.
÷ é øà åú øù å:ú
Leimbacher, Irina. “The World Made Flesh”. Film Comment. 2014 (online)
Nakamura, Karen. “Making Sense of Sensory Ethnography: The Sensual and the
Multisensory”. American Anthropologist 115:1 (2013): 132-135.
îâ ôù 4 : ñøè ä éåî ï åä÷ åì ðåò äà å èáå éåâøô é- òáåãä îç åãùú òí ç åîø é à ø é ëåï á éú ééí
ö é ôéä:
Tarnation (Jonathan Caouette, USA, 2003, 88m)
÷ é øàú ç åá:ä
Orgeron, Marsha and Devin Orgeron. “Familial Pursuits, Editorial Acts: Documentaries after
the Age of Home Video,” The Velvet Light Trap, No. 60 (Fall 2007), pp. 47-62.
åæ'à ðø éí ù ìú éò åã öòî é" . âóå ø à å ùï I Movie s: ãåãá áðé, ùî åì é÷ . "ìà ëå ì àú îäø÷ à å ìöìí à åú å
. 201 .ò î ' 21-52 îìöîä. ä åöàú ëúø , 0
÷ é øàú øù å:ú
Harris, Adrienne. “The Camera as a Container: Jonathan Caouette’s Tarnation.” Projections
1.2 (Winter 2007): 1-16.
îâ ôù 5 :à åú å- à ð úåâøô éä , ö ðæåøä ô åì éè éú åö éì åí ã éâéè ì é
ö é ôéä :
This is not a Film (Jafar Panahi, Iran, 2011, 75m)
Disorder (Huang Weikai, China, 2009, 58m)
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Russell, Catherine. “Autoethnography: Journeys of the Self”. Experimental Ethnography: The
Work of Film in the Age of Video. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999. 275-314.
Wenguang, Wu. “DV: Individual Filmmaking.” in The New Chinese Documentary Film
Movement. eds. Chris Berry, Lu Xinyu and Lisa Rofel. Hong Kong University Press, 2010:
îâ ôù 6 :á éï áã éåï åîö éà åú - ÷ìå ðåò äã -å÷åôé ÷ù ï
ö é ôéä:
24 City (Jia Zhangke, China, 2008, 112m)
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Renov, Michael. “Introduction: The Truth about Non-fiction” (in Theorizing Documentary,
ed. Michael Renov). 1-12.
Landesman, Ohad. “Lying to Be Real: The Aesthetics of Ambiguity in Docufictions.”
Contemporary Documentary. Eds. Daniel Marcus and Selmin Kara. London: Routledge, 2016:
îâ ôù 7 : èùè åù âá åì åú á éï è ì ååéæéä ì÷ åì ðåò (î÷øä îáç ï : ñãø åú ôùò àî éú é)
ö é ôéä :
ôø÷íé î úêå :
The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst (Andrew Jarecki, 2015)
÷ é øàú ç åáä :
Bruzzi, Stella. “Making a Genre: The Case of the Contemporary True Crime Documentary.”
Law and Humanities 10:2 (2016): 249-280.
Biressi, Anita. “Inside/Out: Private Trauma and Public Knowledge in True Crime
Documentary.” Screen 45:4 (Winter 2004): 401-412.
èë ðåì åâéåú ã éâéèì éåú ååéãà å àøè ,( essay films) îâ ôù 8 : ñøè é îàîø
ö é ôéä:
The Gleaners and I (Agnes Varda, France, 2002, 82m)
Magic for Beginners (Jesse McLean, USA, 2010, 20m)
÷ é øàú ç åá:ä
Alter, Nora. “Beyond the Cinematic Screen: Installations and the Internet.” The Essay Film
After Fact and Fiction. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018.
÷øå éâï, èé×é î.å Øúòì ää éñèøå éä ù ì äîñä ä ÷ìå ðåò éú: åø èáå òã åøãäØ (úø â î åî àâðì éú: àäã æäá é
åéàìéú à èðéâø ). ú÷ø éá 9 (ð îöà à åðì éé ï).
÷ é øàú øù å: ú
Arthur, Paul. “Essay Questions.” Film Comment Jan/Feb 2003.
Rascaroli, Laura. “The Essay Film: Problems, Definitions, Textual Commitments”
Framework 49:2 (Fall 2008): 24-47.
åñäøè äú éò åã é äà éðèøà÷è éá é Crowd-Source Documentary - îâ ôù 9 :ä
ö é ôéä:
Life in a Day (Kevin MacDonald, USA, 2011, 95m)
äø÷ ðä îø åëæú ù ì ñøè éí ú éò åã ééí îäéðàèø ðè :
Highrise (Katarina Cizek); Bear 71 (Leanne Allison & Jeremy Mendes); 18 Days in Egypt
(crowd-sourced); Prison Valley and Fort McMoney (David Dufrense), and more.
÷ é øàú ç åá:ä
McIntish, Heather. “Producing the Crowdsourced Documentary: The Implications of
Storytelling and Technology.” Contemporary Documentary London: Routledge, 2016: 57-71.
Nash, Kate. “Clicking on the World: Documentary Representation and Interactivity.” New
Documentary Ecologies: Emerging Platforms, Practices and Discourses. Ed. Kate Nash, Craig
Hight and Catherine Summerhayes. New York: Palgrave, 2014: 50-66.
1 :à ðéîö éä ã å÷ åî ðèø éú :é éö åâé æëø åï, èøà åîä åæøí ú åãòä áò éã ï äã éâéè ì é îâ ôù 0
ö é ôéä:
5 ã ÷') 2, 201 ôìà ðèä àçø ú (îà éø éö éá , éùøàì ,7
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Roe, Annabelle Honess. “Absence, Excess and Epistemological Expansion: Towards a
Framework for the Study of Animated Documentary.” Animation: An Interdisciplinary
Journal 6.3 (Nov. 2011): 215-30.
Ehrlich, Nea. “Animated Documentaries as Masking,” Animation Studies, Vol 6. 2011
[available online]
÷ é øàú øù å:ú
Landesman, Ohad and Roy Bendor. “Animated Recollection and Spectatorial Experience in
Waltz with Bashir.” Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 6(3), 2011.
1 :ú éò åã áúìú î éîã åáîö éà åú îã åîä - ìø÷àú äá ðä îç åãùú ù ì îøçá åñô÷è ÷ ìá÷ åì ðåò îâ ôù 1
úòé åã é
ö é ôéä:
Examples of Several Virtual Reality Projects [TBD]
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Nash, Kate. “Virtual Reality Witness: Exploring the Ethics of Mediated Presence.” Studies in
Documentary Film. 2017.
Uricchio, William. “VR is not film. So what is it?,” Immerse, Issue 1. October 6, 2016
[available online]
Murray, Janet. “Not a Film and Not an Empathy Machine,” Immerse, Issue 1. October 6, 2016.
[available online]
:12-1 îâ ôù éí 3
éå ÷ãù å ìøôøè éí áò"ô åìäö âú äöò åú îç÷ø (ë 45- ã å ÷ú ìëì ñè åã ðè : ú éà åø ä äòöä , ã éåï ë éúú é òì éä
åä÷ø ðú ÷èò éí îñøè éí äåðâò éí ìäöòä )
ø é ù îú÷é øàä î åîì ö ú:
Aufderheide, Pat. “The Changing Documentary Marketplace.” Cineaste 30:3 (Summer 2005):
Bruzzi, Stella. New Documentary: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge, 2000.
Chanan, Michael. “The Documentary Field: On the Problems of Defining the Documentary.”
The Politics of Documentary. London: BFI, 2007: 21-36.
Eitzen, Dirk. “When Is a Documentary? Documentary as a Mode of Reception.” Cinema
Journal 35:1 (Fall 1995): 81-102.
Ellis, C, Jack, and Betsy A. Mclane. A New History of Documentary Film. New York:
Continuum, 2005.
Grant, Barry, and Jeannette Sloniowski, eds. Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings
on Documentary Film and Video. Detroit: Wayne University Press, 1998.
Hight, Craig. Special Issue on Digital Documentaries. Studies in Documentary Film 2.1 (2008).
Marchessault, Janine and Susan Lord (eds.). Fluid Screens, Expanded Cinema. Toronto: U of
Toronto P, 2008.
Marcus, Daniel and Selmin Kara. Contemporary Documentary. London: Routledge, 2016.
Nichols, Bill. Blurred Boundaries: Questions of Meaning in Contemporary Culture.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
---. Introduction to Documentary. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.
Renov, Michael. “New Subjectivities: Documentary and Self-Representation in the Post-
Verite Age.” The Subject of Documentary. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2004:
---. The Subject of Documentary. London: University of Minnesota Press, 2004.
---. Theorizing Documentary. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Renov, Michael, and Jane Gaines,eds. Collecting Visible Evidence. Minneapolis: University
of Minnesota Press, 1999.
Roscoe, Jane, and Craig Hight. Faking It: Mock-Documentary and the Subversion of
Factuality. New York: Manchester University Press, 2001.
Rosenthal, Alan, ed. New Challenges for Documentary. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2005.
Ward, Paul. "Animation and Documentary Representation." Documentary: The Margins of
Reality. London: Wallflower Press, 2005. 82-99.
Winston, Brian. Claiming the Real. London: British Film Institute, 1995.
ùòåú ÷áìä : á é úà åí îøù à.

Course description

This seminar will focus on the different ways in which innovative practices of production,
distribution and exhibition contribute to the recent renaissance we are experiencing in global
documentary cinema, and to the ongoing perfection of its means of expression. On the one
hand, we will look at how digital technology enables a fascinating encounter between the
fictional and the factual, and significantly contributes to the renewal of existing documentary
strategies, such as docu-fiction, documentary observation, personal documentary and
documentary animation. On the other hand, we will focus on new documentary configurations
made possible, among other things, by technological capabilities that documentary cinema has
only recently become aware of. How, for example, does documentary cinema renew its
interest in viewer-text interaction via the Internet? How has it been involved in the redefinition
of cinematic space and the place of spectacle in three-dimensional documentation and virtual
reality? By thoroughly reading and engaging with academic texts dealing with the revival of
documentary cinema and by watching a variety of contemporary documentaries, this seminar
will try to offer differen

ñéìáåñ îôåøè

àîðåéåú | çåâ ì÷åìðåò åèìååéæéä
0851-9072-01 àñèøèâéåú ùì úéòåã áîàä ä- 21
Strategies of Documentation in the 21st Century
ùðä"ì úù"ó | ñî'  à' | ã"ø ìðãñîï àåäã

666ñéìáåñ îôåøè/ãó îéãò

ñ é î ðø ì å úàø øàù å(ï òí î â ñøú ä÷ø ðä )4 , ùñ" , úô " ù
ã" àøåäã ì ðãñî ï
àèñøè âéåú ù ì ú éò åã áîàä -ä 21
Strategies of Documentation in the 21st Century
ñ é îðø æä é úãî ÷áà åô ðéí ä å ùðéí á ä íôø ÷ é è÷ åú çãù ðéåú ù ì äô÷ä , äôöä åä÷ø ðä ú åøî åú ì ð øñ ðñ
à åúàååð ç ååéí ìàçø åðä á ÷ìå ðåò ä úòé åã é äò åì îéåì ùë ìå àìîö ò éäîáò ù ì.å îçã ,ð áã å÷ ë éöã
îôàùøú äèë ðåì åâéä äã éâéèì éú îô âù îø ú ÷á éï äáã éåðé ìò åáãú é åú åø î úáà åô ï îùîò åú é ìäúçãù åú ï
ù ìàñèøè âéåú ã å÷ åî ðèø éåú ÷ ééî åú , ëî å ÷ åì ðåò äã å÷- å ô÷éù ï, äúäá åððåú äú éò åã éú , ä å ÷ì ðåò
ä é úò åã é ä é àù é å ä ð àéîö éä ä é úò åã éú . î ðâã , ðúî÷ã áúö åø åú ú éò åã çãù åú äúîàôùø åú , á éï ä éúø , òì
é ãé éìëåú è ëðåì åâéåú ìä ï ÷ä åì ðåò äãå ÷ åî ðè øé ø÷ çäì ìäú å åãò ìàç øðåä . ëöéã , ìîù ì , î âì ä ÷äåì ðåò
ä é úò åã é ò ðééï î å çãù áà éðèøà÷è éá éåú á éï ö åôä ì÷èñè áòæøú äà éðèø ðè ? áä âãøä îç åãùú ù ì
äøîçá ä å ÷ì ðåò é åî÷ åî å ù ì äôñ÷è÷ì áú éò åã úìú î éîã é åáîö éà åú îã å î ? ä ú åê ÷ø é à äéñ åã éú
åöî åãä áè÷ñè éí ÷àãî ééí äò åñ÷ éí áäúçãù åú å ù ì ä÷ åì ðåò äú éò åã é åöô éä áî âååï øñè éí é úò åã ééí
òëùåé éí, ñî éðø æä éðñä ìäö éò ãøë éí ùðååú ìäúá åð úð åáòù éé ä ÷ åì ðå ò éú àùø îîù éëä ìäîö éà
òîöä îçãù ù åá åù åá .
This seminar will focus on the different ways in which innovative practices of production,
distribution and exhibition contribute to the recent renaissance we are experiencing in global
documentary cinema, and to the ongoing perfection of its means of expression. On the one
hand, we will look at how digital technology enables a fascinating encounter between the
fictional and the factual, and significantly contributes to the renewal of existing documentary
strategies, such as docu-fiction, documentary observation, personal documentary and
documentary animation. On the other hand, we will focus on new documentary configurations
made possible, among other things, by technological capabilities that documentary cinema has
only recently become aware of. How, for example, does documentary cinema renew its
interest in viewer-text interaction via the Internet? How has it been involved in the redefinition
of cinematic space and the place of spectacle in three-dimensional documentation and virtual
reality? By thoroughly reading and engaging with academic texts dealing with the revival of
documentary cinema and by watching a variety of contemporary documentaries, this seminar
will try to offer different ways of looking at a cinematic practice that continues to reinvent
itself time and again.
ã é øù åú ä÷ åøñ :
1 . ÷ø éàä ù åèôú ùì ç åîø é äñî éðø åäùúúô åú ôò éìä áã éåï îã é ùá åò .
2 . ä âùú ã åØç åú á é÷ åøú ééí òì ùú é ÷ø éà åú îú åê ç åîø é äñî éðø åäö âúí áô ðé äë éúä .
3 . ä âùú äöòä ë å úáä ìòá åãä ñî éðø éåðéú å ä â öúä áô ðé äë éú ä .
4 .ë ú éáú òá åãä ñî éðø éåðéú .
5 .ð åëç åú .
îëø éá é äé öåï äñ å ô é
ä â öú ã å"ç åú á é÷ å ø é úéí òì ù ðé îà î é øí å ä â öúí áô ðé äë éúä% 15
ë é ú áú äòöä ìòá åãä ñî éðø éåðéú å ä â öúä áô ðé äë éú ä 20%
ë é ú áú òá åãä ñî éðø éåðéú% 65
îâ ôù 1 :î ä çùã ìîòùä á÷ åì ðåò äã å÷ åî ðèø é ä çùã ? îä å ÷ åì ðåò ã å÷ åî ðèø é ã éâéè ì é ?
ö é ôéä:
The Imposter (Bart Layton, 2012, USA, 99m)
àïé ÷ø éàä ðãøùú .
÷ é øàú øù å:ú
Arthur, Paul. “Extreme Makeover: The Changing Face of Documentary.” Cineaste 30:3
(Summer 2005): 18-23.
îâ ôù 2 :ä àí à ðå áàîú áöø åú? ÷ åì ðåò ã å÷ åî ðèø é åäîùáø äîã åîä ùì äî ðéô åìö éä äã éâéè ì éú
ö é ôéä:
201 ) ä[ôø÷ òì îùä ÷ø åé ] äîåì÷ì éí ( â çé ì åé, éùøàì ,4
Fraud (Dean Fleischer-Camp, 2016, USA, 52m)
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Williams, Linda. “Mirrors Without Memories: Truth, History and The Thin Blue Line” Film
Quarterly. Vol. 46, No. 3, Spring 1993: 12.
ìãðñî ï, à åäã . "ôñèä òã ééï ìà âãìä òì òö éí : òì äîùáø äîã åîä ù ì ä÷ åì åðò ä é úò åã é áò éã ï
. ( 201 1 (öãîáø 7 ä é ãâéèì é." ú÷ø éá5
÷ é øàú øù å:ú
Hoffmann, Kay. “‘I See, if I Believe it’ - Documentary and the Digital.” Cinema Futures:
Cain, Abel or Cable? eds. Thomas Elsaesser and Kay Hoffmann. Amsterdam University Press,
1998. 159-166.
îâ ôù 3 :÷ åì ðåò ääúá åððåú äçãù åàú ðåâøô éä ç åù éú áò éã ï äã éâéè ì é
ö é ôéä:
Leviathan (Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Verena Paravel, USA, 2012, 98m)
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Taylor, Lucien. “Iconophobia: How Anthropology Lost it at the Movies.” Transition 69
(1996): 64-88.
Landesman, Ohad. “Here, There and Everywhere: Leviathan and the Digital Future of
Observational Ethnography.” Visual Anthropology Review 31.1, 2015: 12-19.
÷ é øà åú øù å:ú
Leimbacher, Irina. “The World Made Flesh”. Film Comment. 2014 (online)
Nakamura, Karen. “Making Sense of Sensory Ethnography: The Sensual and the
Multisensory”. American Anthropologist 115:1 (2013): 132-135.
îâ ôù 4 : ñøè ä éåî ï åä÷ åì ðåò äà å èáå éåâøô é- òáåãä îç åãùú òí ç åîø é à ø é ëåï á éú ééí
ö é ôéä:
Tarnation (Jonathan Caouette, USA, 2003, 88m)
÷ é øàú ç åá:ä
Orgeron, Marsha and Devin Orgeron. “Familial Pursuits, Editorial Acts: Documentaries after
the Age of Home Video,” The Velvet Light Trap, No. 60 (Fall 2007), pp. 47-62.
åæ'à ðø éí ù ìú éò åã öòî é" . âóå ø à å ùï I Movie s: ãåãá áðé, ùî åì é÷ . "ìà ëå ì àú îäø÷ à å ìöìí à åú å
. 201 .ò î ' 21-52 îìöîä. ä åöàú ëúø , 0
÷ é øàú øù å:ú
Harris, Adrienne. “The Camera as a Container: Jonathan Caouette’s Tarnation.” Projections
1.2 (Winter 2007): 1-16.
îâ ôù 5 :à åú å- à ð úåâøô éä , ö ðæåøä ô åì éè éú åö éì åí ã éâéè ì é
ö é ôéä :
This is not a Film (Jafar Panahi, Iran, 2011, 75m)
Disorder (Huang Weikai, China, 2009, 58m)
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Russell, Catherine. “Autoethnography: Journeys of the Self”. Experimental Ethnography: The
Work of Film in the Age of Video. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999. 275-314.
Wenguang, Wu. “DV: Individual Filmmaking.” in The New Chinese Documentary Film
Movement. eds. Chris Berry, Lu Xinyu and Lisa Rofel. Hong Kong University Press, 2010:
îâ ôù 6 :á éï áã éåï åîö éà åú - ÷ìå ðåò äã -å÷åôé ÷ù ï
ö é ôéä:
24 City (Jia Zhangke, China, 2008, 112m)
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Renov, Michael. “Introduction: The Truth about Non-fiction” (in Theorizing Documentary,
ed. Michael Renov). 1-12.
Landesman, Ohad. “Lying to Be Real: The Aesthetics of Ambiguity in Docufictions.”
Contemporary Documentary. Eds. Daniel Marcus and Selmin Kara. London: Routledge, 2016:
îâ ôù 7 : èùè åù âá åì åú á éï è ì ååéæéä ì÷ åì ðåò (î÷øä îáç ï : ñãø åú ôùò àî éú é)
ö é ôéä :
ôø÷íé î úêå :
The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst (Andrew Jarecki, 2015)
÷ é øàú ç åáä :
Bruzzi, Stella. “Making a Genre: The Case of the Contemporary True Crime Documentary.”
Law and Humanities 10:2 (2016): 249-280.
Biressi, Anita. “Inside/Out: Private Trauma and Public Knowledge in True Crime
Documentary.” Screen 45:4 (Winter 2004): 401-412.
èë ðåì åâéåú ã éâéèì éåú ååéãà å àøè ,( essay films) îâ ôù 8 : ñøè é îàîø
ö é ôéä:
The Gleaners and I (Agnes Varda, France, 2002, 82m)
Magic for Beginners (Jesse McLean, USA, 2010, 20m)
÷ é øàú ç åá:ä
Alter, Nora. “Beyond the Cinematic Screen: Installations and the Internet.” The Essay Film
After Fact and Fiction. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018.
÷øå éâï, èé×é î.å Øúòì ää éñèøå éä ù ì äîñä ä ÷ìå ðåò éú: åø èáå òã åøãäØ (úø â î åî àâðì éú: àäã æäá é
åéàìéú à èðéâø ). ú÷ø éá 9 (ð îöà à åðì éé ï).
÷ é øàú øù å: ú
Arthur, Paul. “Essay Questions.” Film Comment Jan/Feb 2003.
Rascaroli, Laura. “The Essay Film: Problems, Definitions, Textual Commitments”
Framework 49:2 (Fall 2008): 24-47.
åñäøè äú éò åã é äà éðèøà÷è éá é Crowd-Source Documentary - îâ ôù 9 :ä
ö é ôéä:
Life in a Day (Kevin MacDonald, USA, 2011, 95m)
äø÷ ðä îø åëæú ù ì ñøè éí ú éò åã ééí îäéðàèø ðè :
Highrise (Katarina Cizek); Bear 71 (Leanne Allison & Jeremy Mendes); 18 Days in Egypt
(crowd-sourced); Prison Valley and Fort McMoney (David Dufrense), and more.
÷ é øàú ç åá:ä
McIntish, Heather. “Producing the Crowdsourced Documentary: The Implications of
Storytelling and Technology.” Contemporary Documentary London: Routledge, 2016: 57-71.
Nash, Kate. “Clicking on the World: Documentary Representation and Interactivity.” New
Documentary Ecologies: Emerging Platforms, Practices and Discourses. Ed. Kate Nash, Craig
Hight and Catherine Summerhayes. New York: Palgrave, 2014: 50-66.
1 :à ðéîö éä ã å÷ åî ðèø éú :é éö åâé æëø åï, èøà åîä åæøí ú åãòä áò éã ï äã éâéè ì é îâ ôù 0
ö é ôéä:
5 ã ÷') 2, 201 ôìà ðèä àçø ú (îà éø éö éá , éùøàì ,7
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Roe, Annabelle Honess. “Absence, Excess and Epistemological Expansion: Towards a
Framework for the Study of Animated Documentary.” Animation: An Interdisciplinary
Journal 6.3 (Nov. 2011): 215-30.
Ehrlich, Nea. “Animated Documentaries as Masking,” Animation Studies, Vol 6. 2011
[available online]
÷ é øàú øù å:ú
Landesman, Ohad and Roy Bendor. “Animated Recollection and Spectatorial Experience in
Waltz with Bashir.” Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 6(3), 2011.
1 :ú éò åã áúìú î éîã åáîö éà åú îã åîä - ìø÷àú äá ðä îç åãùú ù ì îøçá åñô÷è ÷ ìá÷ åì ðåò îâ ôù 1
úòé åã é
ö é ôéä:
Examples of Several Virtual Reality Projects [TBD]
÷ é øà åú ç åá:ä
Nash, Kate. “Virtual Reality Witness: Exploring the Ethics of Mediated Presence.” Studies in
Documentary Film. 2017.
Uricchio, William. “VR is not film. So what is it?,” Immerse, Issue 1. October 6, 2016
[available online]
Murray, Janet. “Not a Film and Not an Empathy Machine,” Immerse, Issue 1. October 6, 2016.
[available online]
:12-1 îâ ôù éí 3
éå ÷ãù å ìøôøè éí áò"ô åìäö âú äöò åú îç÷ø (ë 45- ã å ÷ú ìëì ñè åã ðè : ú éà åø ä äòöä , ã éåï ë éúú é òì éä
åä÷ø ðú ÷èò éí îñøè éí äåðâò éí ìäöòä )
ø é ù îú÷é øàä î åîì ö ú:
Aufderheide, Pat. “The Changing Documentary Marketplace.” Cineaste 30:3 (Summer 2005):
Bruzzi, Stella. New Documentary: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge, 2000.
Chanan, Michael. “The Documentary Field: On the Problems of Defining the Documentary.”
The Politics of Documentary. London: BFI, 2007: 21-36.
Eitzen, Dirk. “When Is a Documentary? Documentary as a Mode of Reception.” Cinema
Journal 35:1 (Fall 1995): 81-102.
Ellis, C, Jack, and Betsy A. Mclane. A New History of Documentary Film. New York:
Continuum, 2005.
Grant, Barry, and Jeannette Sloniowski, eds. Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings
on Documentary Film and Video. Detroit: Wayne University Press, 1998.
Hight, Craig. Special Issue on Digital Documentaries. Studies in Documentary Film 2.1 (2008).
Marchessault, Janine and Susan Lord (eds.). Fluid Screens, Expanded Cinema. Toronto: U of
Toronto P, 2008.
Marcus, Daniel and Selmin Kara. Contemporary Documentary. London: Routledge, 2016.
Nichols, Bill. Blurred Boundaries: Questions of Meaning in Contemporary Culture.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
---. Introduction to Documentary. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.
Renov, Michael. “New Subjectivities: Documentary and Self-Representation in the Post-
Verite Age.” The Subject of Documentary. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2004:
---. The Subject of Documentary. London: University of Minnesota Press, 2004.
---. Theorizing Documentary. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Renov, Michael, and Jane Gaines,eds. Collecting Visible Evidence. Minneapolis: University
of Minnesota Press, 1999.
Roscoe, Jane, and Craig Hight. Faking It: Mock-Documentary and the Subversion of
Factuality. New York: Manchester University Press, 2001.
Rosenthal, Alan, ed. New Challenges for Documentary. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2005.
Ward, Paul. "Animation and Documentary Representation." Documentary: The Margins of
Reality. London: Wallflower Press, 2005. 82-99.
Winston, Brian. Claiming the Real. London: British Film Institute, 1995.
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