חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תשע"ב

מדעים מדויקים | כימיה
קבוצה 01
סמ'  ב'0900-1200102אורנשטיין - כימיהשיעור ד"ר שק ישראל
סילבוס מקוצר
Spectroscopy – Syllabus Part I: The Field
What is Spectroscopy?
Historical Remarks
Light and Electromagnetic Radiation
Maxwell Equations of the EM Radiation
Absorption Intensity – The Einstein Approach (by Planck Blackbody Radiation)
Stimulated Absorption, Stimulated Emission, Sponatneous Emission
Consequences of the Einstein Absorption and Emission Coefficients
Relative Magnitudes of the Electric and Magnetic Time Dependent Fields
Dirac Bracket (Bra-Ket) Notation
Electrical Forces, Dipole Moments and Quantum Dipoles
Time Dependent Perturbation Theory
Invoking a “Weak” Perturbation Limit
Two-Level System and the Isidore Rabi Solution
Electric Field Acting as a Perturbation – Absorption of Light;
Rotating Wave Approximation
Time square (t2) Rise of the Transition Probabily and the Frequency Offset
Some Properties of the Dirac Delta-Function
Time-independent Transition Rates and the Fermi Golden Rule
Finite Spread of the Radiation
Molecular Density of States
Spontaneous Emission Rate; Radiation Lifetimes; Energy Broadening
Numerical Illustrations of Radiation Lifetimes and Energy Broadening
Other Causes for Linewidths
Doppler Effect and Doppler Broadening
Pressure (Collisional) Broadening
Comparison of Gaussian and Lorentzian Lineshpaes
Power (Saturation) Broadening
Modulation Broadening
Fourier Transforms
Convolution, Composite Broadening
Bloch Equations, T1 and T2 Relaxation Times

Spectroscopy – Syllabus Part II: The Molecule
Separation of variables – the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
The Nuclear Motion: Vibrations and Rotations of a Diatomic Molecule
A Two-Dimensional Rigid Rotator (Particle on a Ring)
A Three-Dimensional Rigid Rotator (Particle on a Sphere)
General Equation of Molecular Vibrations and Model Potentials
The Harmonic Oscillator Approximation to the Vibrational Motion
The Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator
Separation of Internal Degrees of Freedom
Molecular Rotations
Selection Rules and Symmetry
Point Groups
Molecular Rotational Transitions and Selection Rules
Molecular Vibrational Transitions and Selection Rules
Simplest Vibration-Rotation Spectra of Diatomic Molecules
Anharmonicity, Centrifugal Distortion, the Vibration-Rotation Coupling
Perturbation Expansion of the Vibration-Rotation Coupling
The P-, Q-, R- Branches of the Vibrational-Rotational Coupling
The Coriolis Force
Inversion Doubling
Adiabatic and Non-Adiabatic Transitions
Raman Transitions
Classical Molecular Polarizability
Vibrations of Polyatomic Molecules – the Classical Approach
An explicit example: A Linear Symmetric Triatomic Molecule (e.g. CO2)
Vibrations of Polyatomic Molecules – the Quantum Approach
Molecular Vibrations Selection Rules and Group Theory
Anharmonicities, Overtones, Combinations, Fermi Resonance

Hydrogen Atom
Subshells, Azimutal Quantum Number: s-, p-, d-, and f-functions
Electron Spin
Spin – Orbit Coupling, Fine Structure
Atomic Selection Rules
Configurations, Terms, Levels, States; Term and Level Designation
Hund Rules
Many Electrons Atoms – General Considerations
Alkali Metal Atoms
The Helium Atom
Many Electrons Atoms, Atomic Spectra
The Self Consistent Field Approximation of Hartree-Fock-Slater
Atoms in Magnetic field – Zeeman Effect, Paschen-Back Effect
Atoms in Electric field – Stark Effect
Polyatomic Molecules – Orbitals and Electronic Structure
The Hydrogen Molecular Ion
Electronic Structure of Diatomic Molecules
Electronic Spectroscopy, Selection Rules in of Diatomic Molecules
Vibronic Excitation, The Franck-Condon Approximation
Electronic Spectroscopy, Selection Rules of Polyatomic Molecules
Rydberg States
Vibronically Allowed Transitions (Herzberg-Teller Expansion)
Singlet-Triplet Transitions
Decay of Excitation in Polyatomic Molecules
Fluorescence, Phosphorescence
Breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES)
Translation; a Particle in a Box

Bibliography and reading list (Main books are with asterix *):
* Molecular Spectroscopy, Ira N. Levine, John Wiley & Sons
* Molecular Quantum Mechanics, P. W. Atkins, Oxford University Press
The Quantum Theory of Light, Rodney Loudon, Clarendon Presss Oxford
Molecular Spectroscopy, Gordon M. Barroe, McGraw-Hill
Modern Spectroscopy, J. Michael Hollas, John Wiley & Sons
High Resolution Spectroscopy, J. Michael Hollas, John Wiley & Sons
Physical Chemistry, P. W. Atkins, Julio de Paula, Oxford University Press
Physical Chemistry, Robert A. Alberty, Robert J. Silbey, John Wiley & Sons
Quantum Mechanics, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Franck Laloë,
   John Wiley & Sons, Hermann Paris
Atoms and Molecules, Martin Karplus, Richard N. Porter, D. A. Benjamin
Principles of Magnetic Resonanace, Charle P. Slichter, Harper and Row
סילבוס מפורט

מדעים מדויקים | כימיה
0351-3818-01 ספקטרוסקופיה
שנה"ל תשע"ב | סמ'  ב' | ד"ר שק ישראל

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