קבוצה 01 |
סמ' ב' | 1200-1500 | 'ג | 105 | שנקר - פיזיקה | שיעור | פרופ בק-סבטיצקי שרה חיה |
D:\Inetpub\shared\yedion\syllabus\03\2019\0321\0321481901_desc.txt סילבוס מקוצר
Course description
Syllabus: This course studies star formation processes
starting from molecular clouds and going to pre-main sequence stars.
The main sections are cloud collapse and fragmentation, the ignition
of deuterium burning and fusion, outflows, shocks and ionization, and
the disrobing process
(the emergence of stars from clouds). Special topics
include the different routes of high and low mass star formation, the
development of disks and proto-planetary systems, and galactic-scale
phenomena. The emphasis is on observations, especially from the new
space-based observatories. סילבוס מפורט/דף מידע
Star Formation Course Outline--2010/11
Background, Motivation, and the Burning Questions
Review of rates, masses, IMF, disks, outflows, clusters. Sites of star formation. Intro to molecular clouds and how to observe them.
Molecular clouds, how they collapse and how they can be supported. Lifetimes, collapse timescales, support mechanisms. Cloud fragmentation and
what determines stellar sizes. Hayashi tracks.
Stellar ignition, D and H burning. Stars igniting inside molecular clouds and the developement of HII regions. More observational challenges.
Radiation and shock fronts, effects on clouds.
Formation of proto-stars, proto-star/disk systems, Evolution and observational appearance. Disk structure. Class 0--3 objects. How high and low mass stars form and evolve differently.
Disks and protoplanetary systems.
Multiple stars: formation and early stages of life in binaries, associations, and bound clusters. Star formation on galactic scales in starburst and normal galaxies.