חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תש"ף

  תורת השדות 1
  Field Theory 1                                                                                       
מדעים מדויקים | פיסיקה ואסטרונומיה
קבוצה 01
סמ'  א'1700-1900105שנקר - פיזיקהשיעור פרופ זוננשיין יעקב
סמ'  א'1500-1700105שנקר - פיזיקהשיעור
ש"ס:  4.0

סילבוס מקוצר

תורת שדות 1
סמטריות וחוקי שימור , חבורת לורנץ ופואנקרה, שדות חופשים וקוונטיזציה קנונית, אינטגרל על מסלולים, פעולה אפקטיביות  ופוטנציאל אפקטיבי, כללי פינמן, אמפליטודות פזור וחתכי פעולה ב- QED.


Course description


Quantum Field theory 1- Syllabus



Jacob Sonnenschein

Email: cobi@post.tau.ac.il

Academic Year, Semesters

[Msc first year one semester]

Number of Hours/ Credits

[4 weekly hours]


[mandatory for all elementary particle physics]


[undergraduate courses in Quantum mechanics I and II

Year in program & how often given, if relevant

Given every year

  Course overview – short abstract

 The topics of the course are:1.  Introduction the problems of QM and the applications of QFT, 2.  Lorentz, Poincare and Conformal group 3. Classical field theory  symmetry Nother currents and charges 4. The quantization of scalar field 5. Quantum spinor field theory 6. Quantization of Maxwell theory in Coulomb and Covariant gauge 7. Casimir effect 8. Path Integral  quantization of scalar field, spinor and gauge field. 9. Derivation of Feynman diagrams for correlators  using path intetral. 10. U transformation Wick rotation canonical derivation of F. D. 11. S matrix, LSZ reduction formula 12. Feynman diagrams for scattering amplitudes.

[Author Name]

Learning outcomes – short description (if you don’t have LOs, then don’t write anything in this part)

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Assessment: coursework and grade structure

(for example)

Assignments – 50%

Mid exam –

Final exams – 50%

Week-by-week content, assignments and reading

(for example)

Week 1: Lorentz, Poincare and Conformal group, Exercise 1

 Week 2: Lorentz, Poincare and Conformal group, Exercise 2

 Week 3: Classical Field theory action Equations of motion ex3

 Week 4: Symmetry Noether currents and charges, Exercise 4

 Week 5: Lorentz, Poincare and Conformal group, Exercise 5

 Week 6: Quantum Scalar field theory, Exercise 6

 Week 7: Quantum spinor field theory, P,T, C  Exercise 7

 Week 8: Quantum Maxwell theory  Coulomb gauge, covariant gauge, Exercise 8

 Week 9: Casimir effect, Path integral quantization, Exercise 9

 Week 10: Perturbation theory. Feynman diagrams from Path integral 10

 Week 11:  U transformation, Wick rotation Exercise11

 Week 12:  Feynman diagrams for correlators of  phi^4  theory and QED  Exercise 12

Week 13:  U transformation, Wick rotation Canonical derivation of Feynman diagrams Ex13

  Week 14:  S matrix LSZ reduction formula Feynman diagrams for scattering amplitudes Ex14

 Required text – in language of origin (if Hebrew or Arabic, no need to translate it)

Peskin Schroder ``An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory"

Bjorken Drell  QFT

Itzykson and Zuber ``Quantum Field Theory"

D. Gross ``Lectures on QFT

Y. Frishman J. Sonnenschein ``Non Perturbative QFT"

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