D:\Inetpub\shared\yedion\syllabus\03\2019\0321\0321381701_desc.txt Course description לתלמידי שנה ג ותארים מתקדמים בפיזיקה, וכן לתלמידי כימיה, הנדסת חשמל, ובתנאים מסוימים מדעי מחשב
3 ש"ש הרצאה + 1 ש"ש תרגול
The course will cover the basics of the quantum computing theory, including both software (algorithms) and central hardware architectures.
סילבוס מפורט/דף מידע The course will cover the basics of the quantum computing theory, including both software (algorithms) and central hardware architectures.
- Brief reminder of linear algebra and some elements of quantum mechanics
- Quantum algorithms:
- Basics of classical computing, classical Boolean gates and circuits, reversible computation
- Qubits, quantum gates and circuits
- Basic algorithms: Deutsch-Josza, Bernstein–Vazirani, Simon
- Quantum search: Grover, quantum walks
- Quantum Fourier transform, quantum phase estimation, period finding, Shor’s algorithm
- Entanglement and Bell games: quantum teleportation, superdense coding, and cryptography
- Quantum error correction
- Basic complexity theory (if time allows)
- Quantum computing hardware:
- Loss-DiVincenzo criteria
- Superconducting qubits: phase, flux, charge, …
- Trapped ions
- Quantum optics (KLM), boson sampling
- NMR, NV centers, ...
- Topological quantum computation (if time allows)