2016 - 2017

  General Chemistry 1                                                                                 
Prof. Amir Goldbourt005Sun1500-1800 Sem  1
005Wed0800-1000 Sem  1
University credit hours:  7.0

Course description

Basic concepts - Physical quantities, units, atoms, molecules, stochiometry, isotopes and atomic symbols

Gas laws - Pressure, partial pressure, boil's law, charles law, van-der-vaals equation ideal gas, non-ideal gas

Thermochemistry - Heat, system and surrounding, calorimetry, work, internal energy, first law, enthalpy, standard state, Hess law, heat of formation

Liquids and intermolecular forces - viscosity, capilary forces, vapor pressure, Clausius-Clapeyron equations, relative humidity, phase transition, phase diagram, critical point

Atomic structure - Bohr model, hydrogen spectrum, photons and wave duality, Schrodinger equation, wave functions and quantum numbers, energy levels, atomic orbitals, multi-electron atoms, electronic configuration, occupation rules

The periodic table - ionization energy, atomic radii, electron afinity, electronegativity, properties of elements

The chemical bond 1 - Lewis structures and covalent bonds, resonance structures and VSEPR, molecular geometry

Solids and crytal structures - ionic solids, molecular solids, metals, crystal lattice, close packing, HCP, FCC, coordination, lattice distances and Bragg law, salts.

Solutions and properties - definition of concentrations, solution heat, dependence of solubility on temperature, gas solubility and Henry's law, Raul's law, vapor pressure of solutions, distilation, osmotic pressure

Introduction to chemical thermodynamics - Entropy and entropic change, second law, third law, Gibbs free energy, spontaneous processes, equilibrium

The chemical bond 2 - Hybridization, molecular orbitals in diatomic molecules 

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