Course Objectives:
1. To provide students with an elementary understanding of the reaction mechanisms involved in polymer synthesis and the kinetics of these reactions.
2. To teach students basic concepts of polymer chain architecture, structure and morphology, with particular emphasis on the relationship between chemical structure (chain architecture) and the morphology of the solid state (semi-crystalline vs. amorphous polymers)
3. To provide students with a basic knowledge of the thermal properties of polymers, particularly the crystallization temperature and elementary aspects of crystallization kinetics, the melting temperature and the glass transition; to teach how these properties depend on structure.
4. To teach students basic aspects of the solution properties of polymers, interactions and the relationship to chemical structure, including phase behavior and the measurement of molecular weight.
5. To teach students how the above material is related, the fundamentals of polymer structure/property relationships, so that they can make simple predictions for design.
Grading Assessment:
• Exam: 75%
• Mid-term multi-chose exam.: 25%.
• The Mid-term exam format will be closed books
• The final exam will be open books