חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תשע"ט

  פרוייקט 1
  Project (1)                                                                                          
הנדסה | תואר ראשון - הנדסת תעשייה
סמ'  א'1500-1800007עבודה סוציאליתפרוייקט ד"ר אופנהיים עלית
פרופ בוקצין יוסף
סמ'  א'1500-1800008עבודה סוציאליתפרוייקט
סמ'  א'1500-1800009עבודה סוציאליתפרוייקט
סמ'  א'1500-1800012עבודה סוציאליתפרוייקט
ש"ס:  3.0

סילבוס מקוצר
שעות:                3 ש"ס
משקל:               3
דרישות קדם:   תכן מפעלים (במקביל); ניתוח מערכות ייצור (2); סימולציה.
פרוייקט (1) ו-(2) משתרעים על שני סמסטרים ומטרתם לתת הזדמנות לסטודנט ליישם את הידע שרכש ולרכוש ניסיון תכנוני מעשי ע"י תקיפת בעייה מציאותית במסגרת מתקן או מפעל מחוץ לקמפוס. הפרוייקט מבוצע בקבוצות של 3 סטודנטים וכולל בין השאר, את השלבים הבאים: איתור המתקן, איסוף נתונים והגדרת הבעיות, בחירת טכניקות אפשריות לתקיפת הבעיות, בדיקת כדאיות, אנליזה וסינתזה של הבעיה, הגדרת אלטרנטיבות ובחינתן, הצגת הפתרונות והמסקנות. הדגש הוא על מציאת פתרון מעשי הניתן ליישום.
Course description
Credit Points: 3+3
Prerequisites: Analysis of production Systems (2), Facility Design (concurrent)
Advisors: internal and external teachers
General: The aim of the project is to give the student an opportunity to acquire a
practical experience in analyzing a real environment defining and improving
operational performance measures by using various techniques taught in the
undergraduate courses.
1. The courses will be performed in teams of 3 students.
2. Each team will be assigned to an advisor. The team will meet with the advisor at
least every other week. The advisor will examine the progress since the last meeting
and will discuss with the team issues raised by the students. Still, all decisions will be
taken solely by the students.
3. In some cases, the advisor will visit the project site with the students.
4. Project presentation: at the end of each semester, each team will present the
findings in front of the class.
5. Project report: at the end of each semester, each team will provide a detailed report,
containing the progress and findings of the project. The report will follow guidelines
of technical writing.
6. Typically, the project will include the following stages. Note that these stages are
not mandatory, and changes may occur upon the approval of the advisor.
Fall semester:
- Selection of the organization.
- Characterizing the organization by quantitative and qualitative parameters.
- Data collection.
- Analyzing processes and identifying bottlenecks.
- Identifying problem(s).
- Preliminary cost effectiveness analysis of the problems.
- Selecting the problem(s) to be handled next.
Spring semester:
- Choosing general strategy for solving the problem(s).
- Further data collection (if needed).
- Evaluating and selecting various techniques for solving the problems. To this
end a literature review will be prepared.
- Defining solution alternatives.
- Selecting the preferred alternative based on quantitative analysis.
The deliverables of the project will be evaluated based on (1) quantitative contribution
to the organization (monetary or other), and (2) the use of IE tools taught in the UG
The organization: The organization may be a manufacturing facility, a service
facility or a non-profit organization. In case of a manufacturing facility the minimal
number of employees is equal to 100. This is a general guideline which may be
changed upon the advisor approval. The selection of the organization should be
completed until the third week of the semester. At the first week of the fall semester
the team should provide the advisor with three optional organizations. In case of
difficulties in finding organizations, the team may contact the project moderator who
may suggest an organization which has contacted the department with regard to
students’ project. The organization will be selected from the list based on various
Contact person: in order to guarantee the commitment of the organization to the
project along the year, the team should identify a single contact person who will
represent the organization in any interaction with the university. This person will
accompany the students along the year.
The final grade will be based on the following components:
Final report (60%)
Progress (20%)
Presentation (15%)
General impression (5%)
Total (100%)

להצהרת הנגישות

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