חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תשע"ה

  מבוא לביופיזיקה וביו-הנדסה של התא
  Introduction to Cellular Biophysics                                                                  
הנדסה | תואר ראשון - הנדסה ביו-רפואית
סמ'  ב'1000-1100008לימודי הנדסה - כיתותשיעור ד"ר נבו אורי
סמ'  ב'1200-1400103לימודי הנדסה - כיתותשיעור
ש"ס:  3.0

סילבוס מקוצר
שעות:             4  
משקל:            3.5
דרישות קדם: פיזיקה 2 (0509.1829), מד"ח (0509.28469), ביולוגיה של התא (0509.1101).
קורס בחירה לתלמידי שנים ג' ו ד'.
Introduction: Ingredients in earth crust and seas, Miller–Urey experiment
Entropy: hydrophobicity
Water: diffusion , diffusion to capture
Water: Navier Stokes, Life in Low Reynolds numbers
Salty water: Electrostatics in Salty water, Poisson Boltzman, Capsids,
Two state systems: ion channels, cooperative binding
Hodgkin Huxley and Nerves, "midterm"
Molecular motors & muscles contraction
Crowded systems
Genome & Mutations & Phenotype (Gene Expression)
Ecology & Evolution
The immune system
Bacterial colonies
Neuronal Networks & Neuronal sensing
Course description
The course will provide in introduction to various physical mechanisms that operate in the living cell, with emphasis on feedback mechanisms and the preservation of Homeostasis. The course will include a mathematical quantifying analysis of the various mechanisms. Among the reviewed subjects:
Chemical and Physical introduction, introduction to soft-matter, membranes, ionic channels and water channels, rest potential, action potentials in nerve and muscle cells, mechanical events, transport of molecules along cells, cellular energy cycle, energy and enzymes, Homeostasis, measurement and imaging techniques in cellular biophysics research.
If time will allow, some of the additional subjects will be reviewed/mentioned: biophysics of sensory cells in the nervous system, cells and radiation.

להצהרת הנגישות

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