חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תשע"ז

  מבוא לאבטחת מידע
  Introduction to Information Security                                                                 
מדעים מדויקים
סמ'  ב'1300-1600009שיעור מר גיטיק דאן
פרופ וול אבישי
ש"ס:  4.0

סילבוס מקוצר
ראו פרטים באנגלית בהמשך, ואת אתר הקורס.
Course description

The Introduction to Information Security course surveys central concepts in applied information security and cyber security, and offers a hands-on introduction to secure programming and vulnerability analysis.

High-level goals:
- Make students aware of the major security risks and attack vectors
- Gain concrete hands-on experience with prominent tools and technologies
- Teach about good tools and practices for building secure systems
- Instill the state of mind and conceptual vocabulary for reasoning about systems security

A student who has taken the class and then got programming project should know when he's doing something dangerous, what are the standard solutions, and be able to to productively communicate with vendors and experts.

1. Programming vulnerabilities (buffer/stack/integer overflow, format strings, privilege escalation)
2. Secure platforms and programming (OS, TPM, languages, libraries, good practices, analysis tools)
3. Network vulnerabilities (impersonation, DoS, application-level) and defense (SSL, IPsec, firewalls, anomaly detection)
4. Exploitation techniques and the low-level details underlying them (reverse engineering x86 assembly, shell code, packet injection
5. Cryptography basics (encryption, digital signatures, certificates)
6. Authentication (passwords, biometrics, tokens, certificates)
7. Authorization policies (access control, information flow control, logging, detection)
8. Physical and psychological elements (tamperproofing, user interfaces, social engineering)
9. Study cases (e.g., banks, mobile phones, cars)

A significant part of the course material will be in English.

Course requirements:


Requisite courses:

  • Operating Systems (0368-2162) or Introduction to Systems Programming (0512-4402) or equivalent

Recommended (not mandatory) courses:

  • Introduction to Modern Cryptography (0368-3049) or Cryptography and Computer Security (0510-7401) or Foundations of Cryptography (0368-4162) or equivalent


סילבוס מפורט

מדעים מדויקים
0368-3065-01 מבוא לאבטחת מידע
Introduction to Information Security
שנה"ל תשע"ז | סמ'  ב' | מר גיטיק דאן

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