חיפוש חדש  חזור
מידע אישי לתלמיד

שנה"ל תשע"ז

  תורת האקלים
  Climate Theory                                                                                       
מדעים מדויקים | גיאופיסיקה ומדעים פלנטריים
סמ'  ב'0900-1200324קפלון - פיזיקהשיעור ות פרופ הרניק נילי
ש"ס:  3.0

סילבוס מקוצר

•                 Past Climates

•                 Energy Budget of the Earth

•                 Vertical Temperature Structure and Stability

•                 Latitudinal Variations in Temperature

•                 The General Circulation of the Atmosphere

•                 Solar Effects on Climate

•                 Aerosols and Volcanic Effects

•                 Clouds and Climate

•                 Oceans and Climate

•                 The Cryosphere and Climate

•                 Vegetation and Climate

•                 Anthropogenic Influences on Local Climate

•                 Ozone Depletion

•                 Global Warming

Course description
                 Past Climates
                 Energy Budget of the Earth
                 Vertical Temperature Structure and Stability
                 Latitudinal Variations in Temperature
                 The General Circulation of the Atmosphere
                 Solar Effects on Climate
                 Aerosols and Volcanic Effects
                 Clouds and Climate
                 Oceans and Climate
                 The Cryosphere and Climate
                 Vegetation and Climate
                 Anthropogenic Influences on Local Climate
                 Ozone Depletion
                 Global Warming

להצהרת הנגישות

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